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This action plan contains detailed information about marketing strategies, posts, videos, events and finding actual solutions. Since the creation of GMOs cannot be prevented, our solution includes raising awareness, enforcing labelling and supporting the creation of safer GMOs
View sources for the Action plan in the Resources page.

Our Solution Is Broken Down Into 2 Parts: Awareness & A New Design.

Explore our awareness initiative in the Flyer Event and the Product Design solution in the Write A Letter Event.

The Aforementioned Solution: A Recap

The solution to the issue is broken down into raising awareness and contacting the authoritative representative to enforce action. It was understood that there was no way to eliminate GMOs indefinitely, in respect to the industry and the growth of innovation in the field. As a result, our solution raises awareness through posts, videos and our flyer campaign as well as provides local representatives a reason for change through the Write A Letter campaign.

Raising Awareness

  1. Instagram Posts with Facts of the Day, solutions at home and updates about organic farmers
  2. A video/PSA about the organization, important details and home solutions
  3. A flyer/social media campaign to share facts, strategies that one can do individually and templates for people to post on social media and in person
  4. Informing viewres to buy organic food to support farmers - this method will hopefully keep the organic food industry running for a little longer
  5. Have people inform the public of our campaigns, instagram accounts and other events
  6. Inform the benfeits of donating towards safer GMO research, or to anti-GMO organizations such as the Non GMO Project

These methods allow individuals who spend time online to make a difference. They're simple, yet quite effective.

Informing Local Representatives

  1. Your local representative is the voice that you were promised during the election. Use it to your advantage.
  2. The first part of this solution was to inform them of the health risks, through the letter. It was mentioned that our intention is not to eliminate the industry, but support the research of safer GMOs. Rather than fighting a fight you can't win, try and prevent the fight before its too late.
  3. The lack of labelling being enforced was also mentioned, in which 88% of Canadians would like products to be labelled whether they had GMOs. In Canada, there is no reqiurement, so this was something that was promptly brought up

Together, these two strategies would allow for a better voice for the citizens. Statistics can be shared, but there needs to be impact. This campaign allowed minimal effort on the users' end, but a lot of information being sent to the MP.

A Brief Reflection

Creating this Branding Strategy was incredibly insightful. Not only did it allow me to learn more about the risks of GMOs, but shared the horrendous facts of non-labelling and the lack of effort on the administrative side. Throughout this action plan, I was able to make further connections to the Animal Systems and Biodiversity units, as well as put my design skills to the test. I strongly believe that this action plan was well composed, creative, unique and an effective strategy that could go into action within minutes. The posts are high impact, the video just needs to be filmed, the website is completely published and the event templates are completed. In conclusion, I strongly believe that the action plan, connections to units and overall information gave me a better understanding of GMOs on a global scale, and what myself and my family can do within the community.